Tuesday, April 27, 2010

Raising our Sights

Don't know why I haven't posted on this earlier. The 'Raising our Sights' report is part of Valuing People and is fairly recently published under the sponsorship of Dept. of Health. I went through it over the weekend and kept repeatedly saying - this is us, that's what happened to us - all the way through. I'd just like to say thank you to Prof. Mansell and his collaborators - it is right on the button. I've already recommended it as ammunition in my conversations with -
PCT - on suction and gastrostomy protocols
Wheelchair services - on the need for motorised wheelchairs
Leisure services LD officer - on swimming pool, local college and sports centre, particularly the 'Changing Places campaign for changing tables in disabled toilets.
Link to the report is on the Dept of Health website at http://www.dh.gov.uk/prod_consum_dh/groups/dh_digitalassets/@dh/@en/@ps/documents/digitalasset/dh_114347.pdf

Just while I'm on the subject of disabled toilets - had to complain (why does it always have to be a complaint?) yesterday about the supposedly disabled toilets in of all places our local hospital. The access was ridiculous - minimal width down an access passage, no possibility of turning into the doorway and even if we could have got in, we wouldn't have been able to shut the door or get alongside the loo. This is a new hospital and this is the second toilet in it that is like this.

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