Saturday, March 27, 2010

Carer with attitude

So, I'm starting this blog to get things off my chest. Whether I like it or not, I'm a carer - but unlike the picture you may have, I'm not a silent, saintly individual who looks after someone less fortunate than themselves. I'm a real person, with a life of my own who happens to have a son who is PMLD (you'll get used to the acronyms - I had to, but at least I'll explain them when I use them). PMLD stands for Profound and Multiple Learning Disability. My son is also a real person with a life of his own and although he's in a wheelchair, can't speak etc. etc. he isn't a thing to be pitied - he likes trampolining, zip wiring and blondes, not necessarily in that order. I have a wife and daughter who are also real and have lives. We are carers and that does take up most of our lives, but it isn't who we are, it's what we do. This blog will try to give a day to day feel for what our life is like.

1 comment:

  1. Hi Ned, I've popped along to have a wee looky see!
    maz x
